Learning to Fly Without Loving to Crash

I can’t imagine going back
To dodging the booby traps
After flying low to scope the landscape
After scraping treetops on the descent

It’s been a while since the last crash landing
Losing bearings, instruments failing
Natives rescuing with bucket brigades
I loved when gravity took over

When I signed the armistice confession
The civilians ceased to starve and burn
In justice prevailed the open hearts
Into the wild blue yonder they ran

Now I’m left with this sensation of falling
Not in any particular direction
It’s more of a freedom pitched flight
Leveling to the upright postures

I’m learning to fly again
Without the weightless flex
Without a net
Without the deep love of crashing

Black Ice

This is it
Have to break the ice
It’s thin anyway
The water is very cold
It contains the necessary nutrients
For survival
Stamp my feet
Spread apart a bit
It groans and cracks
I’m ready to sink
Into the inky unknown
The polar mystery
Of what might happen
Treading lightly is done
Skating is nice but for children
My family is beyond
My universe beckons
My trials await hearing
Into the split I dive

Portable Black Hole

Is the Black Hole here too
Amidst the roll of hills
And still of water
I does follow me no matter
Can it be diverted like the stream
It wants to swallow all my dreams
Maybe I should fall in
Over expose my limited vision
Expand my particles beyond their capacity.
Let the funnel feed on me until the streaks of light are squeezed thin then dissolve into alternation
I should not fear the squeeze but I do
It’s my wholesome nocturnal home
The bridge into the central chamber
From the outermost bad behavior
When it’s done with me
I’ll know